PK: And you did it yet again Mr. Hirani!

The most honest of the opinions of a messed up beyond solution tangled up situation can be made and most effectively conveyed by a only and only by a STRANGER to the zone who too has ended up being a part of it without option at the first place and now has to analyse it through his new eyes to come up with an alienated view to cross the bridge he ended up without will.

Religion Communities Rituals Rites are more than words when it comes to India know for a lot more than the rest in terms of the holy spirit and its means to attract faith and belief in the God in which you inherit or invest the same. But to convey the ugly commercial side of this trade to the consumers can be a bit of a task keeping in mind the nexus these traders have in real world with almost every sector of the country right from where they start to the political periphery.

Mr. Hirani yet again didn’t miss any chance by translating his mind behind it by putting across just what is required to be incepted in our minds when we step out if the theatres. Something more than a light hearted humorous awareness of the industry shown in OMG through a legal battle is what is necessary to ignite the heart and twist the minds on an individual level which is done by do amazingly conveyed messages of this well balanced piece of cinema:

1. The Wrong Number: This played a self correcting- self deducting mechanisms for the followers to observe and accept the invalid far from sensible beliefs created by these God men with unrealistic approach. And once known categorize them as a Wrong Number since right number can only be of the almighty- The Ultimate Creator who cannot be reached through this path.

2. Thappa kaha hai?
Sometimes the strong faith even stronger communal backing and long build-up of a radical approach towards God in the name of religion can never let one perceive or accept what others perceive. This makes us religiously helpless and deaf to the real world in many terms. Things for them are clear by site yet impossible in mind. A simple yet highly effective approach for this category can play wonders. This notion in the movie- thappa kaha hai? (where is the sign of the body to categorize one as a Muslim/Hindu) can play wonders by bringing down the highly struck and immensely complicated lives of these helpless extremists- to one basic question! Answering the unheard and eliminating the unrequired.

Ability to convey is an art and can only be effectively registered in one’s mind to an extent of being capable of applicability when, it is metaphorized to the best of what is required. These two tip-offs are were breaking points points of the mental walls created in the audience.